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Were on the Road Again With Each Other Till the End

Time to come forms-2. Exercises (���������� �� ������� �����)


Exercise 4 The future continuous and will + infinitive. Put the verbs in brackets into one of the above forms.

ane Jack usually gives me a elevator home, but nosotros both (come) domicile past trai tomorrow equally his machine is being repaired.

2 He says he (see) us at the bus cease, but I'k sure he (forget) to tur up.

3 Don't ring now; she (lookout man) her favourite TV programme.

- All right. I (ring) at 8.30.

4 I wonder what I (do) this time side by side year.

- I expect you lot even so (work) at the same function.

v I'd like to double-glaze the bedroom windows.

- All correct. I (get) the materials at one time and we (do) it this weekend.

6 Look a chip. Don't drink your tea without milk. The milkman (come in a minute.)

7 What are yous doing next weekend?

- Oh, I (work) as usual. I'1000 always on duty at weekends.

8 Air hostess: We (take) off in a few minutes. Please spike your sea belts.

nine He (come) if you ask him.

ten I arranged to play tennis with Tom at nine this night.

- But you (play) in semi-darkness. You lot won't be able to see the ball.

11 (become) you some aspirins if you like. The chemist's even so (be) open.

- No, don't bother. The function boy (get) out in a minute to post the letters; I (enquire) him to buy me some.

12 It (exist) very late when she gets home and her parents (wonder) what's happened.

thirteen I never (be) able to manage on my own.

- But you won't be on your own. Tom (help) y'all. Look—his proper name is bracketed with yours on the list:

- Oh, that'due south all right. Only Tom (not assist) me: I (help) Tom. He e'er takes charge when nosotros're on duty together.

14 I (write) postcards every calendar week, I promise, and I (try) to brand them legible. If necessary I (blazon) them.

15 Typist: Are you lot in a hurry for this letter of the alphabet, Mr Jones? Because I (blazon) Mr White's letters at iv o'clock and if yours could wait till

Mr Jones: I'd like it a little before than iv if possible.

Typist: All right. I (blazon) information technology for you now.

16 What happened at concluding night'due south coming together? I hear there was quite a disturbance.

- Come and see me and I (tell) you. I don't want to talk about it on the phone.

17 I'm going to Switzerland next calendar week.

- You're lucky. The wild flowers just (come) out.

18 This time adjacent month the snow (cook) and skiing volition exist over.

xix The first day of the term will be horrible, for everybody (talk) well-nigh their holidays and (bear witness) photographs of marvellous foreign beaches, and as I haven't been anywhere I (feel) terribly out of it.

twenty I (tell) her what you lot say but she (not believe) information technology.

21 Information technology'southward 7 a.m. and here we are on top of a mountain. At home people just (become) up now.

22 But you can't go to a fancy dress party in a dinner jacket!

- Why not?

- Because everyone (wear) fancy dress.

- All right. I (wrap) the hearthrug round me and (go) equally a caveman.

23 The coming election (be) the principal topic of conversation for the next fortnight. The party leaders (speak) on TV and the local candidates (address) meetings in the constituencies.

24 This fourth dimension tomorrow everyone (read) of your success, and all sorts of people (ring) upward to congratulate you.

25 That oak tree however (stand up) there fifty years from now.

26 Y'all delight (forward) my mail to the Grand Hotel? I (stay) at that place as usual for the first fortnight in August.

27 Heavens! Look at the time. Your male parent (come) home in a minute and I haven't even started getting dinner fix!

28 James (leave) for Commonwealth of australia quite shortly. He has got a chore there.

29 The automobile (not first).

- If y'all get in, Tom and I (give) it a push button.

xxx It's nearly Christmas already. Carol singers (come up) round soon.

31 On the news tonight they mentioned the possibility of a power strike. Everybody (look) for candles tomorrow.

32 Hotel receptionist on phone to customer: What fourth dimension yous (arrive), Mr Jones?

Mr Jones: I (travel) on the 4.30 from Victoria. In that location (be) taxis at th station?

Receptionist: Don't bother about taxis, Mr Jones. We (send) the hotel car down for you.

33 You (use) your dictionary this afternoon?

- No. You can borrow it if you lot like.

- Thanks very much. I (put) it dorsum on your desk this evening.

34 Ann: This time adjacent calendar week I (have) my beginning skating lesson.

Tom: And this fourth dimension next month you (hobble) near, covered in bruises!

35 It'due south a cute bulldoze. I'thou sure you (savour) the scenery.

I (non have) a chance to look at it. I (map-read), and Tom gets so furious if I make a mistake that I (be) afraid to accept my eyes off the map.

36 I (write) in code if you insist, but I don't think it's at all necessary.

Exercise five The future continuous and will (mostly negative).Put the verbs in brackets into one of the above forms.

ane You ask him. It's no good my asking him. He (not practise) annihilation I say.

2 Ann says she (not come) if Tom is driving. She says she doesn't desire to die yet.

- Well, tell her Tom (not drive). He's had his licence suspended.

three Pupil to instructor: I (not come) dorsum next term. My parents desire me to get a job.

4 Headmaster: I (non have) girls hither in slacks. If you come up here tomorrow in slacks I'll send y'all habitation.

Girl: All right, I (not come) tomorrow. I'll become a chore.

5 Mother: I'm and so grateful for the help yous've given Jack; I hope you'll be able to go on helping him.

Teacher: I'm afraid I (not teach) him side by side term considering I but teach the fifth form and he'll be in the sixth.

6 Schoolboy (in schoolhouse dining hall): The last calendar week of our terminal term! I wonder what we (do) this fourth dimension adjacent year.

Friend: Well, we (not swallow) school dinners anyway. That'south one comfort.

vii They requite very skillful dinners at the school only my daughter (non eat) them. She prefers to go out and buy fish and chips.

eight Yes, you can stroke the domestic dog; he (not seize with teeth) y'all.



nine Shall we meet him at the station?

- Oh, he (non come up) by railroad train. He never comes by train.

10 I've fished that river every year for the concluding 15 years.

- Well, nobody (fish) it adjacent year. The h2o's been polluted. All the fish are dead.

xi I'll cook any fish you catch, merely I (not make clean) them. You'll have to do that yourself.

12 I (non evidence) any films this time. The projector's cleaved down.

xiii Housewife: This time next calendar week I (not wash) up the breakfast things. I (have) breakfast in bed in a luxury hotel.

fourteen I (not wearable) glasses when you see me next. I'll exist wearing contact lenses. You probably (not recognize) me.

xv I'll tell him the truth of class. But information technology (not be) any adept. He (not believe) me.

16 Customer: When yous deliver my next society

Store assistant: We (not evangelize) whatever more than orders, I'grand afraid. This branch is closing downwardly.

17 It'll be easy to selection her out in that bright red coat of hers.

- Only she (not habiliment) the blood-red coat! She's given it abroad.

18 No, I (not tell) you the end! Go on reading and find out for yourself!

19 You lot (not use) your car when you lot're on holiday, will you?

- No, but don't inquire me to lend it to you because I (non do) it. Non afterward what happened last time.

20 I (accept) to be a fleck careful about money when I retire because I'll only be getting half my present salary. But of class I (non pay) so much tax.

21 You can either pay the fine or go to prison house for a month.

- I (non pay) the fine.

- Then you lot (have) to go to prison.

22 He's a clever boy simply he's lazy. He (not work).

23 I wonder how Jack (get on) with the new secretarial assistant.

Oh, Jack (not work) here after this week. He'due south existence transferred.

24 According to the brochures this hotel prides itself on its service, simply the staff not even (show) a guest to his room unless he insists. I (non come) hither over again.

Exercise half dozen The hereafter perfect. Put the verbs in brackets into the hereafter perfect tense, will is replaceable by shall in 3, half-dozen, 7, 11, 13, xiv and 17.

i I hope they (repair) this road by the time nosotros come back next summer.

ii By the end of next week my married woman (do) her spring cleaning and we'll all be able to relax again.

three Yes, I make jam every calendar week. I (make) about 200 kilos past the end of the summertime.

4 In two months' time he (finish) his preliminary training and volition be starting piece of work.

5 He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of side by side year he (plant) 2,000.

6 I'll exist dorsum over again at the stop of next month.

- I hope I (pass) my driving test by and then. If I have, I'll encounter your railroad train.

vii Come back in an hour. I (practise) my packing by then and we'll exist able to have a talk.

8 When he reaches Land's End he (walk) ane,500 miles.

nine He's but 35 simply he'south started losing his hair already. He (lose) it all by the time he'southward 50.

10 His father left him £400,000, only he lives so extravagantly that he (spend) it all before he's xxx.

xi By the terminate of next twelvemonth I (work) for him for 45 years.

12 Everywhere you go in central London y'all see blocks of flats being pulled downwardly and huge hotels being erected. In ten years' time all the private residents (be driven) out and there'll be nothing but one vast hotel after another.

13 Our commission is trying to raise money to buy a new lifeboat. Past the cease of the year we (send) out 5,000 letters asking for contributions.

fourteen By the cease of my tour I (give) exactly the aforementioned lecture 53 times.

15 A hundred people take died of starvation already. By the end of the week two hundred (die). When are you going to ship assistance?

16 Since he began driving, Tom has driven an average of 5,000 miles a year, and had an average of ii x k accidents a year. So by the time he's lx he (drive) 200,000 miles and had 50 accidents. Let'southward try to persuade him to go dorsum to cycling.

17 Did you lot say you lot wanted assistance picking apples? I could come on 1 October.

- Nosotros (pick) them all past then. But come up all the same.

18 Apparently Venice is slowly sinking into the sea. Scientists are trying to salve it just by the time they've establish the reply the metropolis probably (sink).

Do 7 The present simple and continuous, the futurity simple and conditional. Note that in nos. 1, xiii,17 and xviii the dramatic present tense is used.

Office 1

1 Ann (look) for a bed-sitter. She (encounter) an advertizement in the local paper and (ring) up Mrs Smith, the owner of the business firm. Mrs Smith (answer) the telephone.

ii Ann: Good afternoon. I (ring) about the room y'all advertised.

Mrs Smith: Oh yes.

3 Ann: The advertisement (say) 'Share bathroom and kitchen'. How many other people (use) the bathroom and kitchen?

4 Mrs Smith: Only i other—an Italian girl. And she (use) the kitchen very picayune. She (eat) out well-nigh of the time. I (not recollect) she (similar) cooking.

5 Ann: That (suit) me all right. I (like) cooking. But how we (adapt) about paying for the gas nosotros (use) in the kitchen?

6 Mrs Smith: The rent (include) gas for cooking, also hot water and light. Only information technology (non include) heating. Each room has its ain fire and meter.

7 Ann: I (see). And the room (face up) the front or the dorsum?

eight Mrs Smith: It (face) the front. It (looks) out onthe garden square; and it (go) a lot of sunday.

9 Ann: That (sound) very nice. Could I come up and see it this night? Mrs Smith; Yes, the earlier the meliorate.

x Ann; 7 p.g. (suit) you? I (not exist able to) come up earlier that as I normally (not get) abroad from the office till half-dozen p.m.

11 Mrs Smith: 7 p.m. (be) all right. I (non call back) yous (take) any difficulty in finding us. The xiv bus (laissez passer) the house and (stop) a few doors farther forth, outside the Post Role.

12 Ann: I'grand sure I (discover) it all right. I (encounter) you lot at 7.00 then, Mrs Smith. Goodbye,

13 At six.30 Mr Smith (come) dwelling from work. He (inquire) his wife near the room.

xiv Mrs Smith: I haven't let it even so but a girl (come) to see information technology at 7.00.

15 Mr Smith: She probably (come) at vii.30 just every bit we (sit) downward to supper. People coming here for the beginning time always (get) lost. I (not think) you lot (requite) proper directions.

sixteen Mrs Smith; Oh yes, I (do). But nobody (mind) to directions these days. Anyway I'grand sure this daughter (be) in time.

17 Just so the doorbell (ring). Mrs Smith (await) at her husband and (smiling).

18 ' You come across,' she (say), and (get) to open up the door.



Part 2 Weekend plans.

nineteen Neb (on phone): Hello, Peter. Bill here. I (speak) from Southwold. I (spend) my holidays here this year in a caravan. You (like) to come for the weekend?

twenty Peter: I (love) to. Just how I (get) to y'all?

21 Bill: Get the viii o'clock railroad train to Halesworth and I (meet) you at the station.

22 Peter: OK. I (practice) that. Are you nigh the sea, Bill?

23 Bill: Yes. When the tide (come) in, I'm almost afloat!

24 Peter: It (sound) marvellous!

25 Neb: It is. Wait till you (see) it!

26 (Friday) Peter's female parent: What you (do) this weekend, Peter? (What plans accept you made?)

27 Peter: I (spend) it with Nib in a caravan on the Suffolk coast.

28 Female parent: The east declension in this wind! You (freeze) to expiry—if Neb's cooking (not impale) you first! How y'all (get) there? (What travel arrangements accept you made?)

29 Peter: I (catch) the eight o'clock train and Neb (meet) me at Halesworth.

30 Mother: Then I (lend) you my alarm clock, and we'd meliorate have breakfast at seven. I (tell) Mary.

31 Peter: Poor Mary! She (like) a lie-in on Saturdays!

32 (Friday evening) Mother: I (requite) you a phone call at, Peter, in case y'all (autumn) asleep again later your alarm (go) off. Past the mode, Mary, we (have) breakfast at seven tomorrow as Peter (go) abroad for the weekend and (take hold of) an early railroad train.

33 Mary (petulantly): Peter always (get) away. I never (go) anywhere!

34 Mother: When he (come) habitation on Lord's day night and you (hear) how awful it was, you (exist) very glad you stayed at dwelling house!


Exercise four i will/shall both be coming ii will meet, will forget iii will be watching; will ring 4 volition/shall be doing; will.still exist working v volition get, will do six will exist coming 7 will/shall be working 8 will/shall be taking off 9 volition come up 10 will be playing eleven will get; will still exist; will be going, volition ask 12 will be, volition be wondering/will wonder xiii will/shall never be able; will be helping; won't be helping; volition/shall be helping 14 volition write, will try; will type 15 will/shall be typing; volition type xvi will tell 17 volition just be coming 18 volition be melting nineteen volition be talking . .. and showing, volition/shall feel 20 will tell, won't believe 21 will but be getting up 22 will be wearing; volition wrap ... and get 23 will be; will be speaking, will exist addressing 24 will exist reading, will be ringing 25 will withal be continuing 26 Will you please forward; volition/shall be staying 27 will exist coming 28 will be leaving 29 won't start; will requite 30 volition exist coming 31 will be looking 32 will y'all be arriving; will/shall be travelling; Will there be; will send 33 Volition you be using; will put 34 volition/shall exist having; will be bruised 35 volition savour; won't/shan't have; will/shall be map-reading, will/shall exist 36 will write

Exercise 5 1 won't exercise two won't come; won't be driving iii won't/shan't be coming 4 won't accept; won't come up 5 won't/shan't exist teaching half dozen will/shall be doing; won't/shan't be eating seven won't eat 8 won't bite ix won't exist coming 10 volition exist line-fishing 11 won't clean 12 won't/shan't be showing xiii won't/shan't be washing; will/shall be having 14 won't/shan't be wearing; won't recognize 15 won't be, won't believe 16 won't/shan't be delivering 17 won't be wearing xviii won't tell. 19 won't be using; won't exercise 20 volition/shall have; won't/shan't be paying 21 won't pay; will have 22 won't work 23 volition become on; won't be working 24 won't fifty-fifty show; won't come up

Exercise half dozen 1 will have repaired ii volition have washed 3 volition/shall accept fabricated 4 will have finished 5 volition accept planted 6 will/shall have passed. 7 will/shall have done 8 will take walked 9 will have lost ten volition take spent eleven will/shall have worked 12 will accept been driven 13 will/shall have sent 14 will/shall accept given 15 will have died sixteen volition have driven 17 will/shall accept picked eighteen will take sunk

Exercise 7 Office 1 one is looking; sees, rings; answers two am ringing. iii says; employ 4 uses; eats; don't think, likes v would conform/suits; like; would we conform/practise we arrange, use half dozen includes; doesn't include 7 see; does the room face eight faces; looks, gets 9 sounds ten Would vii p.m. suit or Will vii p.thou. conform; can't/couldn't/wouldn't exist able to, don't get xi volition/would be; don't think, will take; passes, stops 12 I'll detect; I'll come across 13 comes, asks 14 is coming 15 She'll probably come up, are sitting; go; don't think, requite 16 practice; listens; volition be 17 rings; looks, smiles eighteen says, goes

Role 2 19 am speaking; am spending; would you like 20 I'd love; do I go 21 I'll encounter 22 I'll do 23 comes 24 sounds 25 see 26 are yous doing 27 am spending 28 y'all'll freeze, doesn't impale; are you getting 29 am catching, is meeting 30 I'll lend; I'll tell 31 likes 32 I'll requite, fall, goes; are having, is going, is catching 33 is always going; get. 34 comes, hear, volition be

Were on the Road Again With Each Other Till the End
