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How to Get Rid of Mynah Birds Hawaii

Legal to shoot myna birds, frogs and any other pests in my backyard?   Barring a pass through and hitting a human or destroying others property?




If I remember correctly, it is illegal to kill mynah birds as they are an introduced species. I would search the DLNR website for a reference but I can't imagine a case where anyone was prosecuted for doing so.....


What if rhinos are just fat unicorns?

Generally speaking, unless the animal is desiginated a "game" animal, it is illegal to kill....remember the peacock incident on the north shore....that lady found herself in a whole lot of hot water.....


Wildlife Control Permits are available through the DLNR to remove/collect/kill nuisance animals that damage crops or cause health concerns. They are species and method specific and you must keep meticulous records.


Generally speaking, unless the animal is desiginated a "game" animal, it is illegal to kill....remember the peacock incident on the north shore....that lady found herself in a whole lot of hot water.....

I remember that and the the law was so vague, you could technically be prosecuted for killing a roach wit ya slippah, or some bs la dat...  Oh well,  just ordered a youth gamo online from airgun depot......  Guess I won't be shooting any nuisance pests......!!!!???!....


If I remember correctly, it is illegal to kill mynah birds as they are an introduced species. I would search the DLNR website for a reference but I can't imagine a case where anyone was prosecuted for doing so.....

What about pigs, We're they here before the white man brought them?


^ really sucks.... I can remember popping myna birds, chameleon's back hanabata days....  Used to take that crossman pump everywhere we rode our bikes in waipio gentry.



I remember that and the the law was so vague, you could technically be prosecuted for killing a roach wit ya slippah, or some bs la dat...  Oh well,  just ordered a youth gamo online from airgun depot......  Guess I won't be shooting any nuisance pests......!!!!???!....

Not that I'm advocating it but if you do then just don't tell everyone about it.....

What about pigs, We're they here before the white man brought them?

I think the original Polynesian settlers brought them. But that doesn't matter because pigs are a game animal so you need a hunting license.


What if rhinos are just fat unicorns?


What about pigs, We're they here before the white man brought them?

Yup, the ones the brown guys bought were. :)

The big ol' european boars came later, though, no doubt brought by white guys. I guess hunting the polynesian potbellies didn't seem manly enough for them.

 And can't you hunt on private property without a license? Provided it is not a residential area and all that?


I guess that no one even thought to look into the "Wildlife Control Permit" that I posted earlier. I used to shoot pigeons off building ledges in town legally. If you have the need and knowledge, you too can be an exterminator.


I guess that no one even thought to look into the "Wildlife Control Permit" that I posted earlier. I used to shoot pigeons off building ledges in town legally. If you have the need and knowledge, you too can be an exterminator.

Oh snap...  Gonna look into it.  Thought you were talking bout hunting mongoose in ag area or something like that.


What is the actual permit called and would you happen to have a link or more info.   I'm finding goat control permits nothing that seem to indicate nuisance pest.


Probably have to call the kalanimoku building or the makiki baseyard. My guess is you would call the division of forestry and wildlife (DOFAW baby) or state parks, whatever they fall under.  They will probably ask what you doing/trying to do.

I tried getting a permit to hunt in a state park once. Never happened. Now my boss comes back with pigs from that area.  Asshole. Think I might just go through with the permit application.


How to Get Rid of Mynah Birds Hawaii
